Safety Policy Update - Relaxed Restrictions

As of Saturday, May 29, 2021, we have been operating under relaxed restrictions in-line with state mandates and CDC guidance. Masks are longer be required for vaccinated customers. We do ask that customers who have not been fully vaccinated please wear a mask upon arrival and when moving about the facility. Masks may be removed when seated in designated areas.

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We trust our community and will not be asking for proof of vaccination. Let's work together to keep each other safe!
You may be wondering about some other details... 

  1. Each group will still have their own private throwing bays. We will not be combining parties into shared sessions with one bay.

  2. Larger parties of 10+ are now able to book through the website!

  3. Groups over 20 members in size - contact us to book! (617) 944-9663

We're excited to see those smiling faces! As usual, your safety is our number 1 priority and we are closely monitoring any new updates.